Gesellschaftsrecht Insolvenzrecht Belgien von Maître Gaëtan Zeyen Avocat au Barreau de Bruxelles
(belgischer Rechtsanwalt, belgisch-österreichischer Jurist)
La loi du 17 juillet 1997 relative au concordat judiciaire est désormais abrogée, suite à la loi du 31 janvier 2009 sur la continuité des entreprises (Mon.b., 09 février 2009, p.8436), laquelle nécessite cependant un arrêté royal pour entrer en vigueur (celui-ci doit être pris au plus tard le 09 août
Cette nouvelle loi introduit des modifications substantielles en matière de procédures en réorganisation judiciaire d’entreprises en difficulté :
. Ainsi, les entreprises en difficulté « in going concern » (soit, les entités économiques actives) peuvent être cédées sous supervision judiciaire, ce qui permet en principe d’éviter les conséquences néfastes d’une faillite. En effet, par le transfert/ la cession de l’entreprise en difficulté, les travailleurs conservent en principe leurs droits (sous réserve d’accord individuel entre le repreneur et le travailleur) et le Tribunal du travail peut homologuer la reprise (ce qui confère à l’opération une sécurité juridique). De la même manière, l’accent est mis sur le maintien des contrats en cours pour le débiteur (c’est-à-dire l’entreprise en difficulté), afin que ses co-contractants acquièrent une sécurité juridique également.
. Par ailleurs, la loi nouvelle autorise la conclusion d’une convention entre le débiteur (c’est-àdire l’entreprise en difficulté) et certains de ses créanciers ; c’est ce que l’on appelle l’ « accord amiable », dont l’objectif est d’accorder au débiteur, sous contrôle judiciaire, un étalement de sa dette ou une réduction des montants dus, en vue d’une cession ultérieure de l’entreprise à un
. Enfin, la loi du 31 janvier 2009 permet le recours à une procédure de redressement judiciaire
par « accord collectif ».
Il convient de noter qu’en cours de procédure, des passerelles sont prévues, de sorte qu’une entreprise en difficulté peut passer d’un instrument à l’autre.
Le système des enquêtes commerciales est maintenu, mais il a été complété par la possibilité de recourir à un médiateur d’entreprise, en vue de faciliter la réorganisation de celle-ci. D’une manière générale, les conditions permettant le recours à une telle procédure de réorganisation judiciaire ont été ssouplies ; de même, une possibilité supplémentaire de prolonger, sous certaines conditions et sous contrôle judiciaire, les délais tant de la suspension que de l’exécution du plan de réorganisation de l’entreprise, est légalement consacrée.
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The Belgian Royal Decree of October 8, 2008 (published on October, 30, 2008) has introduced two main changes in the Belgian Companies Act (“Code des Sociétés”).
. The first change concerns contributions in kind. Whereas till now every contribution in kind
required the prior and written assessment by an external auditor of the value of the contribution, this will no longer be required, if the following conditions are met :
(i) for a contribution of stocks or shares, if they are valued at their average weighted price on any regulated market where they are traded during three months preceding the date of the contribution ;
(ii) for a contribution in kind of any other assets, if they have been valued by an external auditor less than 6 months before the date of the contribution, using generally accepted standards and principles ;
(iii) for a contribution in kind of any other assets which are valued on the basis of the statutory annual accounts of the previous book year, on the condition that these accounts have been subject to control by a statutory auditor, whose opinion is not qualified. It should be noted that shareholders holding jointly at least 5% of the issued capital (on the day the decision to increase the capital against a contribution in kind is taken) can still demand an external auditor’s valuation up to the date that the actual contribution in kind is made. Contributions in kind without prior and written assessment by an external auditor (subject to the above conditions) are also allowed, when the capital increase is decided on by the Board of Directors within the limits of the authorised capital. In this case additional information obligations apply.
. The second change concerns the conditions for the acquisition by a company of its own shares:
(i) whereas the prior approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting was valid for 18 months, this approval is now extended to 5 years ;
(ii) the number of own shares that can be held has been increased from 10% to 20% of the capital shares. As a final remark, it should be noted that, as far as certain - legal - conditions are met, a "financial assistance" (in form of loans, advances and/or guarantees) can now be given by a company to
third parties, in order for them to acquire the company’s shares. However, such a “financial assistance” requires, amongst others, a prior decision of the Shareholders’ Meeting (deciding with a qualified majority of ¾ and a quorum of 50%), as well as a “special” report of the Board of Directors (justifying the transaction).
Finally, such a “financial assistance” must be provided at fair market conditions, especially with regards to interest rates. The respect of such a condition is extremely important, as the non-compliance with this condition could also lead to important tax problems (particularly in relation to article 26 CIR/92).
Gaëtan ZEYEN
Avocat au Barreau de Bruxelles
Bruxelles, Mai 2009.
Brussels - Vienna
Gaëtan ZEYEN (1)
Avocat/ Arbitre/ Médiateur commercial agréé
Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur de la France
Correspondant organique : Maître Nils Holger BAYER (1), Rechtsanwalt
(Berlin) et avocat à la Cour (Paris).
(1) Membres du réseau germanophone d’avocats ADVOLEX.
Gaëtan Zeyen
Avocat (barreau de Bruxelles)
Avenue Coghen 198/2
B – 1180 Brussels
T: + 32- (0) 479 489 710
F: + 32- (2) 345 79 34
(vom 3.6.2009)
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The Belgian Royal Decree of October 8, 2008 (published on October, 30, 2008) has introduced two main changes in the Belgian Companies Act (“Code des Sociétés”).
. The first change concerns contributions in kind. Whereas till now every contribution in kind
required the prior and written assessment by an external auditor of the value of the contribution, this will no longer be required, if the following conditions are met :
(i) for a contribution of stocks or shares, if they are valued at their average weighted price on any regulated market where they are traded during three months preceding the date of the contribution ;
(ii) for a contribution in kind of any other assets, if they have been valued by an external auditor less than 6 months before the date of the contribution, using generally accepted standards and principles ;
(iii) for a contribution in kind of any other assets which are valued on the basis of the statutory annual accounts of the previous book year, on the condition that these accounts have been subject to control by a statutory auditor, whose opinion is not qualified. It should be noted that shareholders holding jointly at least 5% of the issued capital (on the day the decision to increase the capital against a contribution in kind is taken) can still demand an external auditor’s valuation up to the date that the actual contribution in kind is made. Contributions in kind without prior and written assessment by an external auditor (subject to the above conditions) are also allowed, when the capital increase is decided on by the Board of Directors within the limits of the authorised capital. In this case additional information obligations apply.
. The second change concerns the conditions for the acquisition by a company of its own shares:
(i) whereas the prior approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting was valid for 18 months, this approval is now extended to 5 years ;
(ii) the number of own shares that can be held has been increased from 10% to 20% of the capital shares. As a final remark, it should be noted that, as far as certain - legal - conditions are met, a "financial assistance" (in form of loans, advances and/or guarantees) can now be given by a company to
third parties, in order for them to acquire the company’s shares. However, such a “financial assistance” requires, amongst others, a prior decision of the Shareholders’ Meeting (deciding with a qualified majority of ¾ and a quorum of 50%), as well as a “special” report of the Board of Directors (justifying the transaction).
Finally, such a “financial assistance” must be provided at fair market conditions, especially with regards to interest rates. The respect of such a condition is extremely important, as the non-compliance with this condition could also lead to important tax problems (particularly in relation to article 26 CIR/92).
Gaëtan ZEYEN
Avocat au Barreau de Bruxelles
Bruxelles, Mai 2009.
Brussels - Vienna
Gaëtan ZEYEN (1)
Avocat/ Arbitre/ Médiateur commercial agréé
Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur de la France
Correspondant organique : Maître Nils Holger BAYER (1), Rechtsanwalt
(Berlin) et avocat à la Cour (Paris).
(1) Membres du réseau germanophone d’avocats ADVOLEX.
Gaëtan Zeyen
Avocat (barreau de Bruxelles)
Avenue Coghen 198/2
B – 1180 Brussels
T: + 32- (0) 479 489 710
F: + 32- (2) 345 79 34
(vom 3.6.2009)